Indian Institute For Academic Research and development

International Institute for Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) is India’s largest Non-profitable professional association and is statuory body of Indian trust for Academic, Research and Development registered under India Trust Act (1882) meant for academic, research development and promotion in the field of technology and development. IIFARD is passionate about changing the landscape of the Education & Skilling Ecosystem. IIFARD is a paramount body which has brought technical revolution and sustainable development of science and technology. The International Institute for Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) constitutes of academician, professional wizards and overseas technical leaders who have left no stones unturned to reinforce the field of academic, Science, Engineering, Technology, Management, Business, Marketing, Statistics & Mathematics, Economics, Social Science, Agriculture, Biology, Environmental & Plant Science, Medical & Health Science. International Institute for Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) takes up processes involving extensive outreach, research, dialogue and collaboration to identify globally prioritized needs, challenges and opportunities in education and capacity development; and based on the findings, develop and promote such programs as deemed appropriate to successfully meet those needs.The Institute conduct technical conferences, seminars and workshop at different places to reduce the gap between curriculum and their practical implementation among students and research scholars. IIFARD collaborated with leading technical institutes including Universities and research centres that promote the exchange of technical knowledge among students, research scholars, professors, Engineers & scientists.

“Today IIFARD is one of the leading publishers of research papers in its high quality peer reviewed journals, proceeding and research magazine. International Institute for Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) also provide Chance of getting a Young scientist, Best Paper, and Best Presentation Awards and many more.”

The Institute provides a brilliant scope of research and development to geniuses and wizards working in the field of engineering by providing financial aids by which economic constraints won’t retaliate the technical growth and research development. The institute is supported by its International Advisory Board (IAB) which is not limited to the subcontinent; rather we have geniuses from different parts of the world to boost our working. Today Technocrat is collaborating with leading technical institutes including Universities and research centres that promotes the exchange of technical knowledge among our students.

Parent Body

Indian Trust for Academic Research and development

International Institute for Academic Research and Development (IIFARD)  is a non-profitable organization (NPO) registered under India Trust Act (1882) that has always emphasized on quality assurance and authentication. The institute conducts technical conferences, seminars, workshops at different parts of country to reduce the gap between research and development vis a vis curriculum and practical implementation. Trust also works in the field of recognising talent and providing them a platform to exhibit the talent. Our editorial board consists of highly qualified professionals to publish the research works of research scholars in leading journals with high reputation and a better impact factor. Besides this ITARD has collaborated with the leading publisher of the world to expose the innovation of its wizards. Last but not the least International Journal for Academic Research and Development is one among the leading journals to inculcate revolution among scholars all round the world.


Academia and Industry are two different worlds which operate on different pedestals. Both have different purposes and different ideologies. Being so different from each other, these two worlds are still somehow interconnected. The aspiring graduates dream to land on his desired career right after accomplishing their Higher Education. However, despite such encouraging stats there is a large gap between the industry and the academia, which hinders the efficient transmission of a student from the education sector to the corporate sector. The Indian trust for Academic, Research and Development was formed in association and leadership of leading scientists and technical professionals with a vision to bring out technical advancement in the field of Science, Engineering and Technology. At that time ITARD had conducted a number of technical conferences, webiniars, workshops, FDP and other events the board of directors and managing committee decided to form a autonomous registered professional association.



International Institute For Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) is currently publishing two research journals of repute namely IJARD  and RJEECE.  IJARD (International Journal For Academic Research and Development) and RJEECE (Research Journal Electronics Electrical  and Computer Engineering). Both journals are double peer reviewed and Refereed Journals published in full open access format. The scientific community and the general public can unlimitedly and immediately access all content published in our journals for free as soon as it is published on the Internet. Therefore, IJARD/RJEECE needs to defray its editorial and production costs by collecting article processing charges from authors' institutes for research funding bodies. IJARD/RJEECE is committed to keep its open access publication charges at a minimum level.



International Institute For Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) organised several conferences and seminar in different parts of the world, especially CONIPAS, ICOAS, ICONDOS, CNEP, etc.



International Institute For Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) non-profitable professional association is a paramount body which has brought technical revolution and sustainable development academics. It constitutes academician, professional wizards and overseas technical leaders who have left no stones unturned to reinforce any organisation through consultancy.

Within academics the term consultancy takes on nebulous connotations. While traditionally the term referred to objective, external, advisory services provided by professionals, now in some post-secondary institutions and programs it has taken a different permutation, morphing into a form of academic capitalism but the more academic purest continues to view their peer engagement in professional consulting activities as detrimental to the philosophical core of academic research the nobler search for a neutral knowledge which helps the organisation and it can transform its shape and working



International Institute For Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) is India's largest non-profitable professional association works in the field of printing and publications both in print media and e-printing. Anyone already expects speed and quality from printing and publications to collaborate with us. Efficiency makes us unique and we make a difference to others' business and help them succeed. Feels proud of the strong roots we’ve built in our working to meet your communications needs, we’re dedicated to staying on the leading edge of technology. We will continue to evolve as a diversely skilled, fast-moving team of print-publication and marketing professionals ready to meet whatever challenges come our way.


Online Education

International Institute For Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) is a paramount body which has brought technical revolution and sustainable development in academics apart from traditional courses and offline study there are ample areas of academics left untouched by individuals and organisations, purpose of the International Institute For Academic, Research and Development to start online education is to fill the gap of offline education and the need of the time.


Life Membership

Indian Trust for Academic Research and Development (ITARD) largest professional association registered under Indian Trust Act (1882) meet for research development and promotion in the field of academic especially science, engineering, technology, management, business, marketing, statistics & mathematics, economics, social science, agriculture, biology, environmental & plant science, medical & health science, among the students, researchers, faculties and industry professionals.

Indian trust for Academic research and development (ITARD) supported by International Institute for Academic research and development (IIARD), International Journal for Academic research and development (IJARD) and many other sister concerns who work in the field of academics and periphery of academics.


International Institute For Academic Research and Development (IIFARD) non-profitable professional association is a paramount body which has brought academic revolution and sustainable development in academics recognizes Individuals for their quality, reliability and competence to apply knowledge and skills to carry out specific tasks are eligible for INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ACADEMIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT GLOBAL AWARD. It is a formal recognition and a seal of approval.