Board of Global Advisors of International Institute for Academic Research & Development


Prof. Michael Voskoglou - Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor of Mathematical Sciences School of Technological Applications, Graduate Technological Educational Institute, Western Greece.


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Michael Gr. Voskoglou (B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. in Mathematics) is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the School of Technological Applications of the Graduate Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece. He has also taught at the Hellenic Open University, at the Mathematics Department of the University of Patras, at TEI of Messolonghi, etc. As a visiting professor he has taught in M.Sc. courses of the department of Operational Mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and of the School of Management at the University of Warsaw, while he worked for 3 years (1997-2000) under sabbatical as a post doc researcher in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia. He is the author of 9 books (in Greek and in English language) and of more than 300 papers published in reputed journals and proceedings of conferences of 25 countries in 5 continents, with many references from other researchers. He is also a reviewer of the American Mathematical Society and member of the Editorial Board or referee in several mathematical journals. His research interests include Algebra, Fuzzy Sets, Markov Chains, Artificial Intelligence, and Mathematics Education.


Prof. Dimitrios A. Karras,-PhD

Professor in “Digital Systems”, School of Science, Dept. General, Athens, Greece National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

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Dimitrios A. Karras received his Diploma and M.Sc. Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece in 1985 and the Ph. Degree in Electrical Engineering, from the NTUA, Greece in 1995, with honours. From 1990 and up to 2004 he collaborated as visiting professor and researcher with several universities and research institutes in Greece. Since 2004, after his election, he has been with the Sterea Hellas Institute of Technology, Automation Dept., Greece as associate professor in Digital Systems and Signal Processing, till 12/2018, as well as with the Hellenic Open University, Dept. Informatics as a visiting professor in Communication Systems (the latter since 2002 and up to 2010). Since 1/2019 is Associate Prof. in Digital Systems and Intelligent Systems, Signal Processing , in National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, School of Science, Dept. General. He has published more than 65 research refereed journal papers in various areas of pattern recognition, image/signal processing and neural networks as well as in bioinformatics and more than 180 research papers in International refereed scientific Conferences. His research interests span the fields of pattern recognition and neural networks, image and signal processing, image and signal systems, biomedical systems, communications, networking and security. He is, also, former editor in chief (2008-2016) of the International Journal in Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE), academic editor in the TWSJ, ISRN Communications and the Applied Mathematics Hindawi journals as well as associate editor in various scientific journals. He has been cited in more than 2036 research papers.


Professor Khalil KASSMI

Vice-President of the Association Homme and Environnement of Berkane AHEB. Morocco. http://hee.ouvaton.or/ Mohamed Premier University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, BV Mohammed VI, BP717, 60 000 Phone: 212 5 36 50 06 01/02, Fax: 212 5 3650 06 03, Oujda - Morocco

CV url: http://membership.sciencepublishingr

Brief Portfolio
Khalil KASSMI, born in Casablanca (Morocco) in 1963, did all the higher education in the University Paul Sabatier (UPS) of Toulouse (France) from 1983 until 1991. In 1991, he obtained his PhD degree in Electronics from UPS in France. His different research was realized in the Laboratory of Automatic and Analysis of the Systems LAAS / CNRST (Toulouse) in the MOS technology team. In 1992, he was recruited at SGS Thomson-Casablanca (Engineer), where he was responsible of the assembly chain for the power electronic components (TO220, Thyristors). Then, in 1993, he integrated the Mohammed 1st University in Oujda, Morocco, as Professor- researcher, and he obtained his PhD degree (Doctorat d’état) in Electronics in 1996. Since 2000, he has been  Professor at the Mohammed 1st University of Oujda. He is responsible for the research team ‘Materials Electronics and Renewable Energies MERE’ of Electromagnetism Signal Processing and Renewable Energies Laboratory LESPRE. He is a coauthor in more than 100 publications and international communications in the field of photovoltaic renewable energies (materials, cells and photovoltaic systems). Since 2002, in the framework of the opening of the University to its socioeconomic environment: He is responsible for cooperation’s national and international projects in the field of Solar and Photovoltaic renewable energies (Formation and Research): Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse (France), etc.. He has Two patents of invention on photovoltaic control and regulation (heating by the photovoltaic energy, Power Regulator with RPSGE Energy Management System for Autonomous Photovoltaic Energy Installations. He is a reviewer in Solar Energy, IEEE Eccess, Journal of Energy Storage, Electronics Letters, Journal of Engineering Science and Technologie (JESTECH), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.


Prof. Dr. Akhtem A. Dzhelilov,

PhD in Philology and General Linguistics Full Professor of Social Sciences, Academician, Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) at Regional Academy of Management inKazakhstan Head of International Relations Department in Financial and Economical College, University of Economics and Management, Crimea, Simferopol.

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Prof. Dr. Akhtem A. Dzhelilov, PhD in Philology and General Linguistics, Full Professor of Social Sciences, Corresponding Member of Regional Academy of Management, Dean of Economics and Management Faculty, Crimean Business Institute, Simferopol, Director for Scientific Research, NGO “History and Psychology of Crimean Ancient Peoples” as an Honorary Member of the Hon’ble Editorial Board of the IJBST Journal Group


Dr. Entessar Al JBawi

Ph. D in Sugar beet breeding Head of Sugar Beet Department General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Crops Research Administration, Sugar Beet Department, Baramqa, Damascus, Syria. Co-editor in chief of SJAR Editor in chief of RJS.

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ENTESSAR Al JBAWI, Ph.D working as General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Crops Research Administration, Sugar Beet Department, Baramqa, Damascus, Syria. Head of Sugar Beet Department (since 2006). Co-editor in chief of Syrian Journal of Agriculture (SJAR). Completed her Ph. D. in Agricultural Engineering/Field Crops Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. 2003. Plant Breeding. Thesis’ title: “Genotype X Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis for Yield and Quality Traits of Sugar Beet” and M. Sc., in Agricultural Engineering/Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. 2000. Plant Breeding. Thesis’ title: “The Performance of Some Sugar Beet Genotypes under Different Environments”. She is International editorial board member of the journal “Diyala Journal for Agricultural Sciences” since March, 2020, editorial board member of the journal “DYSONA – Applied Science”. She has a list of publications in her credit.


Shannon H. Doak

Ed.D Discover how to make professional development more effective and increase your impact! | IPLNA | Consultant | Baha'i | Kamuela, Hawaii.

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Dr. Shannon H. Doak has over 23 years of experience in international schools and abroad, as both an educator and a leader. He has taught various grade levels at every division. He is an expert in blended learning, eLearning, and making professional development more effective. He holds an Ed.D. and a Masters in Educational Technology, a degree certificate in school technology coordination, and a Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education. He has been at the forefront of changing the digital and educational landscape of the schools he has worked for. He is continually looking for ways.
Dr. Shannon Doak is an expert in the use of Web 2.0 tools for professional and personal learning. He believes social media is the next frontier in teacher professional development. Dr. Doak is a lifelong learner, social media and mobile device enthusiast and self-proclaimed gadget goon.


Prof. Dr. Mateus Gianni Fonseca

Diretor de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão INSTITUTO FEDERAL Brasilla Campus Ceilanda Portaria nº 740, de 24 julho de 2020 - DOU 27/7/20.


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Doutor e Mestre em Educação pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB) – Linha de Pesquisa: Educação em Ciências e Matemática (Eixo de interesse Educação Matemática, Avaliação e Criatividade); Especialista em Educação Matemática pela Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências (FTC/2010); Licenciado em Matemática pela Faculdade Santa Terezinha (Fast/2008); e, Docente do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Brasília – IFB. Membro dos grupos “PI: Grupo de Pesquisas e Investigações em Educação Matemática” (segundo líder) e “NEP: Núcleo de Educação Profissional”. Tesoureiro do Grupo Nova Paideia e Segundo Tesoureiro da Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Matemática, Regional DF. Idealizador e mantenedor do projeto Biblioteca Virtual de Pensamento Crítico e Criativo em Matemática. Tem experiência em pesquisa, ensino e extensão na área de Educação, com ênfase em Educação Matemática, principalmente nos seguintes temas: “criatividade em matemática”, “pensamento crítico e criativo em matemática”, “criatividade e aprendizagem” e “resolução de problemas”.


Xiao-Zhi Gao

Professor , School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Finland.


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Xiao-Zhi Gao received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1993 and 1996, respectively. He obtained his D.Sc. (Tech.) degree from the Helsinki University of Technol¬ogy (now Aalto University), Finland in 1999. He has been working as a professor at the University of Eastern Finland, Finland since 2018. Prof. Gao has published more than 400 technical papers in refereed journals and international conferences. His current Google Scholar H-index is 31. His research interests are nature-inspired computing methods with their applications in optimization, data mining, machine learning, control, signal processing, and industrial electronics.


Sebastião David Santos-Filho,-Ph.D.

Biofísico & Fisioterapeuta Biophysics & Physiotherapist.

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Sebastião David dos Santos Filho
Sou professor, cientista, Biofísico e Fisioterapeuta. Ensino na UNIP/FANEC, Centro Universitário Natalense. Sou também professor colaborador na UFRN.
I am a teacher, scientist, biophysicist and physiotherapist. Teaching at UNIP / FANEC, Centro Universitário Natalense. I am also a collaborating professor at UFRN.


Dr. Patrícia Pinheiro Beck Eichler

PhD in Biological Oceanography Collaborating Professor Laboratory of Geodynamics and Marine Geophysics Department of Geology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

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Dr. Patricia Eichler is Biological Oceanographer interested on the assessment of coastal and marine environments through the use of marine benthic Foraminifera, physical and geo-chemical datasets. More recently, she has been focusing on the use of stable isotopes for micropaleontology studies and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Her skills and expertise focus in the Environment, Water Quality, Ecology and Evolution, Ecosystem Ecology, Marine Ecology, Sedimentology, Biodiversity, and Conservation of Marine Environment and Marine Biodiversity. She is a Professor at the Environmental Sciences Post Graduation Program at Sul de Santa Catarina University (Unisul) and at the Geodynamic and Geophysics and Geophysics Post Graduation Program in the Federal do Rio Grande do Norte University.


Dr/ Sherein Saeid AbdElgayed

Ph.D. Professor Of Veterinary Pathology, Cairo University, Egypt. Chairman of the Editorial Board of Arab Journal of Science & Research Publishing (AJSRP)

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Dr. Patricia Eichler is Biological Oceanographer interested on the assessment of coastal and marine environments through the use of marine benthic Foraminifera, physical and geo-chemical datasets. More recently, she has been focusing on the use of stable isotopes for micropaleontology studies and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Her skills and expertise focus in the Environment, Water Quality, Ecology and Evolution, Ecosystem Ecology, Marine Ecology, Sedimentology, Biodiversity, and Conservation of Marine Environment and Marine Biodiversity. She is a Professor at the Environmental Sciences Post Graduation Program at Sul de Santa Catarina University (Unisul) and at the Geodynamic and Geophysics and Geophysics Post Graduation Program in the Federal do Rio Grande do Norte University.
Sherein Saied Abdelgayed Mohamed Salem is a Full Professor of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt teaching for undergraduates and postgraduates. She has a brilliant research work and manuscript publications with several thesis supervision and project membership. She is also member of various scientific socities and editorial board member of many journals. She is Who’s Who in the World® 2016 (33rd Edition), Marquis Who’s Who® , 2016. VIP Number is: 7028694 Sherein Saied


Dr. Yakubu Aminu Dodo

PhD, GreenRE CM, MyCREST QP Professor Department of Architecture Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul Turkey.

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Dodo Yakubu Aminu is Head of SET Research Group.
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi, he is Ph. D. Architecture from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His areas of interest are Green Buildings Energy in buildings and History of the Built Environment. He has list of publication in his record. He works for designing and architecture


Dr. Osuji Emeka Emmanuel

Ph.D, MCE, FCA… Adept and Innovative Researcher; Michael Okpara Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.University of Agriculture Umudike,     Abia State, Nigeria.

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Dr. Osuji Emeka Emmanuel is Ph.D holder at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Nigeria. An adept academic and innovative researcher with numerous scientific publications to his credits. He is a member of various professional bodies.


Francesca Di Virgilio, Ph.D

Rector's Delegate for Placement and Technology transfer activities Associate Professor of Organization Theory and Human Resource Management Department of Economics - University of Molise Via F. De Sanctis - 86100 Campobasso (Italy).

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She is Associate Professor of Organization Theory and Human Resources Management in the Department of Economics, at University of Molise (Italy). She’s Rector’s delegate for placement and technology transfer activities. She received her Ph.D. degree in Organization, Technology and Development of Human Resources, from the University of Molise, in joint with University of Naples Federico II, LUISS University, (Italy). She was Visiting scholar at Research Center of Industrial relations & Organizational behavior (IROB), Warwick Business School, Warwick (UK). She was Visiting professor at Facultade De Ciencias Sociais e da Comunicacion, University of Vigo (Spain). She is member of the Academic Board PhD in “Innovation and Management of Public Resource”, University of Molise. She is member of the Association of Italian Organization Studies Academics (ASSIOA). She is member of Component Auditors MIUR for program evaluation and research products Ministerial (Italy). She is Adjunct Professor of Human Resources Management at Prefecture Territorial Office of the Government (Italy). She has been published in national and international academic journals and she has contributed more chapters to various edited books. She is Honorary Member of the Editorial Board IJBST Journal group and she is reviewer for many International Journal. Her current research focuses on, human resources management, organizational behavior, social media policy implementation



Pedro Jorge Braumann

Professor at School of Communication and Media Studies (ESCS) Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon Director of the Technical Secretariat of the General Independent Council of RTP (Radio and Television of Portugal).

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Pedro Jorge Braumann is Economist, specialization in Regional and Urban Planning (Technical University of Lisbon) and Social Communication (New University of Lisbon), and DEA in Social Communication (Complutense University of Madrid).Department/Organisation: Professor at School of Communication and Media Studies (Escola Superior de Comunicação Social – ESCS) – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (IPL – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa). Director of the Technical Secretariat of the General Independent Council and Musicological Nucleus and Support to Public Service – Radio and Television of Portugal (RTP -Rádio e Televisão de Portugal). Member of the Board of Portuguese Confederation Social Communication (CPMCS – Confederação Portuguesa dos Meios de Comunicação Social). Vice-President of Notícias de Portugal (NP). Member of the Fiscal Council of LUSA News Agency of Portugal).


Haiam Morsy Aboul-Ela, PhD

Advisory Board member, National Biotechnology Network of Expertise. Academy of Scientific Research and technology. Egypt Marine Biotechnology and Natural products Lab. The National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF). Alexandria branch. Ministry of State for Scientific Research. Egypt

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My primary scientific field is “Biochemistry”; I’ve specialized in “Environmental Biotechnology” using modern techniques for evaluation of the pollution impact on marine creatures. These techniques included both Biochemical and molecular determinations, such as assessment of some enzymatic biomarkers (such as Catalase, GPX, SOD …etc) and non-enzymatic biomarkers (such as Lipid peroxidation index; MDA). Molecular determinations included extraction of DNA from different sources of marine organisms, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, PCR and DNA damage assessment. My research field now is focusing on drug discovery from many sources of marine origin either being micro or macro organisms.

Agata PIERSCIENIAK | Professor (Associate) | Assoc. Prof. | Gdansk  University of Technology, Gdańsk | Faculty of Management and Economics

Agata Pierścieniak

Faculty of Economics University of Rzeszow

CV url:,1282294-1

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Professor Agata Pierscieniak, PhD; academic from Jan Kochanovski University in Kielce, Faculty of Science and Law (Poland); over 20 year experience academic teacher, Erasmus participant since 2004 (Jinan University, China; Hitotsubashi University, Japan; Universit at de València, Spain; Sakarya University, Turkey; Escola Superior de Educacao de Fafe, Portugal; Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).Expert in the international project Bring Cultures Together hold by West University of Timisoara, Romania since 2010. Member Academy of Management, European Academy of Management.
Academic field: Management Theory, HRM, Organizational Behaviours. Project Management. Current research field: collaboration theory, engagement factors in cross-cultural aspects.

Yeliena Prokhorova | Publons

Yelina Prokhorova

Associate professor, PhD, Management Department, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine 

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Lecturer on "Business Strategy", "Change Management" and “Strategic Management” at the Bachelor, MBA and Master’s levels. Developed the distance course “Strategic Management” for the Masters students (in Ukrainian). Scientific interests: Managing the Process of Strategy Implementation, Organization Culture Development.

RESPONSIBILITY Forum Workshop. Intervention of Prof. Adriana Schiopoiu  Burlea - YouTube

Adriana Schiopoiu-Burlea

Professor PhD Adriana Burlea-Schiopoiu, University of Craiova, Romania

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